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AREF-MRC Towards Leadership Program for Emerging Scientists 2024


The African continent is brimming with untapped scientific potential, and the AREF-MRC Towards Leadership Program 2024 is a beacon of hope for emerging scientists eager to make their mark in global health research. This transformative initiative is not just a program; it’s a career-defining journey that empowers African researchers to lead, innovate, and collaborate on an international stage.

Program Overview

The AREF-MRC Towards Leadership Program is a meticulously crafted, year-long odyssey set to commence in October 2024 and culminate in October 2025. It’s designed to bolster the capabilities of talented African scientists, enabling them to secure prestigious UKRI MRC and other significant funding opportunities. The program includes two residential workshops and one virtual workshop, each serving as a cornerstone for the participants’ development.

Who Can Apply?

Eligibility for this prestigious program is reserved for citizens of African countries who are currently employed by recognized universities or research institutions within Africa. Ideal candidates are early career researchers who have recently completed their research education and are at the nascent stages of leading their own research groups.

The Application Process

Aspiring leaders in the scientific community must act swiftly, as the application deadline is set for 16:00 GMT on May 6, 2024. Applications must be submitted online, and successful applicants will be notified in early to mid-July 2024.

Program Benefits

Selected nominees will have the privilege of attending workshops without worrying about costs, as these, along with associated accommodation and travel expenses, will be covered by MRC and AREF.


Q: What does the program aim to achieve? A: The AREF-MRC Towards Leadership Program aims to empower African scientists by enhancing their research and leadership potential, helping them to successfully compete for major funding opportunities in global health research.

Q: What are the key components of the program? A: The program comprises three workshops, supplementary webinars, tutorials, online resources, and continuous assessments to track progress.

Q: What themes does the program cover? A: The program covers themes such as leadership in research, effective communication, proposal development, team management, and understanding funders’ perspectives.

Q: What is the significance of the program for emerging scientists? A: It offers a unique opportunity for personal and professional growth, equipping scientists with the skills needed to lead successful research teams and projects on a global scale.

This program is a golden opportunity for African scientists to step up as leaders in the global health research arena. With the deadline fast approaching, it’s time to prepare your application and embark on a journey towards scientific excellence and leadership.

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